Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by FluxBB
FluxBB is a forums platform that is made to run very efficiently and reliably. It has been around since
about 2007 and while it doesn’t have some of the more advanced features that other platforms can
offer, it is still an excellent option for many people. This system is developed by the same people as
PunBB and in many ways is that platform’s replacement (though it is still officially available). It is coded
using PHP and MySQL databases, which is the standard for forums and most other web platforms today.
This is a platform that is recommended for people who want to have a mid-sized community, which
means between 1000 and 10,000 members with up to 150,000 posts. Of course, it can easily support
smaller communities as well. If your community grows beyond that point, however, it can start to get
bogged down. For most people looking to start a new online community, this is an excellent option to