Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by HTML Purifier
HTML Purifier is a filter library for HTML. This means that it can go through and remove malicious code
from a variety of sources. It can also be used to check your own HTML coding on a variety of projects to
ensure that all the code is compliant with the latest standards set by W3C. Keeping up with the latest
standards is very important, especially for commercial projects that are going to be used by a wide range
of different people.
The platform is coded in PHP and has been around for quite a long time. The developers of this system
have done an exceptional job making sure that it is always updated to ensure the best results. Since the
HTML filtering option relies on a whitelist, frequent updates are essential for avoiding false positives and
other similar issues. Of course the W3C standards are updated on a regular basis to keep up with the
latest technologies too.