Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by LifeType
LifeType is a blogging platform that has native support for adding multiple blogs and multiple users all
into the one ‘back end’ panel. This multi-user/multi-blog concept is really nice and is just finally making
its way to some of the larger blogging platforms. Since LifeType has been doing it basically since the
platform was launched, however, they have already worked out any issues so it runs nice and smoothly.
The platform is open source, like most blogging platforms and is coded with PHP using MySQL
databases. It includes most of the features you’d expect including native RSS, mobile integration,
permalinks and more. The one thing I’ve found about this system is that it doesn’t get updates nearly as
often as most other options. As of this writing (October, 2015) the last release was back in 2013. This
may be a cause for concern for some users. Others, of course, would argue that if something isn’t
broken, there is no need to fix it. Which is correct is a decision left to each individual webmaster.