Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by Mantis Bug Tracker
Mantis Bug Tracker is an online resource tracking tool that is used by developers, companies, website
owners, and many others. It is helpful for keeping track of software bugs so that they can be addressed
in the proper order. Just about all programs and websites have certain bugs, and it can be quite time
consuming and confusing for developers, especially when working as part of a team, to get in and
diagnose the cause and then fix them. Having a bug tracking system like Mantis helps to keep all the
needed information together in one place to make the whole process easier and more effective.
Mantis is a very easy to use tracking system. It was designed to address this one specific need, and to do
it in a very simple way. It is a free and open source system that is written in PHP and uses MySQL for the
database. It can be installed on just about any web hosting platform, including Linux, Windows, Mac,
OS/2, and others.