Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by Textpattern
TextPattern is a very nice blog platform that is known for being flexible and fairly easy to use. In
addition, this software is quite ‘small’ in terms of the actual size of the files and the amount of system
resources it will take to run it. Despite this the system still runs smoothly and has all the nice options
you’ll want, which is an indication of high quality, efficient coding. This is a big benefit for many people
because it will make it so you can run the site on a lower cost web hosting package than would normally
be required.
Like many other blog platforms, this one is open source so you can get in and see the code if you would
like. This is really only useful for those who are coders and developers themselves, but it is still nice.
Visitors to TextPattern sites will have a very nice experience.