Interserver provides
shared, vps and dedicated hosting powered by TYPO3
Typo 3 is a content management system that is made to create advanced websites. It is an open source
system, and it is completely free to download and use for anything you would like. The platform itself is
very expandable and customizable, which is nice. It does require more ‘tinkering’ than most other
CMS’s, which has made this a popular platform mostly for programmers and developers. If you’re willing
to invest the time to really learn about the system, however, it can be an excellent choice for your site.
You can use this platform to run anything from a simple blog to a business website and even an
eCommerce store. For a platform that is mainly used by advanced technical professionals there are a lot
of nice plugins and extensions to help take your site to the next level. While certainly not for everyone,
Typo 3 is an excellent option if you’re looking for an advanced CMS that can grow to support your site’s