Posted at July 22, 2016 at 6:17 pm
Drupal is a powerful and flexible framework that allows users to create dynamic, scalable and secure websites. Drupal has a specific programming environment that tends to be a programmer’s platform rather than just a CMS. Major corporations and several government agencies use Drupal which include:, The United Nations, The Discovery Channel, Forbes, MTV Europe, The Economist and The New York Observer. With the release of Drupal 8, users have enjoyed a more powerful and user-friendly environment. Listed below are some of the exciting new features that accompany Drupal 8.
1. New Fields
There are 5 new field types which include:
Along with the addition of new fields, you can add them to various places. The variety of places that you can add fields include: nodes, comments, taxonomy terms, blocks, and contact forms
2. CKEditor
Drupal 8 core comes with CKEditor module. Drupal 8 core provides the infrastructure that the CKEditor module requires. Previous versions were not providing a text editor, but in the new edition users will now not have to redo the integration work because text editors are now included.
3. Quick Edit
The Quick Edit module allows content to be edited rapidly on the spot. Once you have logged into your Drupal site, content text can be edited directly from the front-end instead of having to deal with the hassle on the back-end.
4. Responsive Images
With Drupal 8, you can choose different styles for a wide array of images. These various styles can be used for different device sizes. All devices have responsive layouts that require a variety of image sizes at different resolutions.
5. Tour
Drupal 8 core includes the new “Tour module”. Once enabled, it provides users a guided tours of the site’s interface via tooltips. The tour module is a great tool that introduces users to all of Drupal’s features. The Tour module can be used to draw user’s attention to important components of the interface and to guide users through a workflow.
Views is available in the Drupal 8 core by default. This module must be queried and enabled by the user. Views are most often used by administrators because it allows for quick and easy customizations.
7. Multilingual
Drupal 8 requires you to install 4 core modules in order for the multilingual features to work. Once enabled, these modules give the website the ability to be translated to various languages.
8. Configuration Manager
The new configuration module allows for your build features to be easily imported and exported. Previously configuration settings were stored in a database, but now they can be stored in files making them more accessible. If the settings are stored in files, they can also be restored to a specific version.
9. Web Services
Drupal 7 required several contributed modules in order to create a web service. Now everything that you need in order to create a web service efficiently exist in Drupal 8. To create a REST export, just enable the 4 Web Services modules.
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