Seven Must Have Open Source Tools For Backup and Recovery

Posted at October 3, 2019 at 8:30 pm by Manoj Kumar


Data is probably the most important asset in today’s world as a business runs on information. Needless to say, any disruption to data could cause major crisis for a business.

Data security is a major challenges faced by organizations as all computer data is at risk. You could easily lose data either from a catastrophic event like a flood or earthquake or even from a simple electronic outage or computer crashes. With an effective backup strategy, you can protect your data from loss and enjoy better peace of mind. Data backup is one of the most important fail-safe methods of data recovery.  Check out some of the best open source tools for backup and recovery.

Backup tools and recovery tools


AMANDA is an acronym for Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver. It is a very popular and simple backup solution. With this tool, IT administrator can set up a single master backup server to backup multiple hosts which supports disk, tape and optical media backups. Amanda uses windows client to backup Microsoft windows servers and desktops and it uses native utilities to backup Linux or UNIX.

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Bacula is an open source and enterprise computer system for enterprise backup and recovery. It is also used for verification of data across a network of different kinds of computers. It was developed to computerize the backup process which would require system admin intervention. With Bacula, you can easily find/recover a lost or damaged file as it has advanced storage management features.

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Clonezilla is a disk cloning and partition application. It comes with two different versions Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE(Server Edition). Clonezilla live is for single systems and Clonezilla SE is suitable for network backup. Clonezilla also does multitasking making it easy to deploy many systems at once. With the help of Clonezilla you can do systems deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. It is compatible for Linux operating system.

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Rsync is used for backing up and synchronising the data. Basically it is used for backing up files, which can be configured to synch across the internet to other hosts. Rsync supports mirroring, backup and fast performance.
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Bareos is an acronym for Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced. It is derived from Bacula, it permits system admin to manage backup, recovery and to verify data across a network of computers. It can backup data such as media (tape and disk). It offers features such as LTO hardware encryption and efficient bandwidth usage


6. Duplicati
Duplicati is a backup client used in a cloud computing environment. It stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage servers. Duplicati provides unique options like filters and deletion rules. It works with both private and public clouds. It has a built-in scheduler, it makes an easy regular and up-to-date backup.

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BackupPC is a high-performance, highly configurable, enterprise-grade system which supports disk to disk backup and it has an online based front end. It is easy to install and maintain. It runs on UNIX or Linux based server and on Solaris. Here the server acts like a client as it supports different protocols which are native in client operating system.

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