


InterServer has recently taken an important step toward providing clients on virtualized Windows 2012 platforms with even faster response times.  Our technical teams have installed and optimized the new Virtio module into our systems, which is designed specifically to increase response speeds and response times.  InterServer is an early adopter of this new standard, which will provide our virtualization clients with speeds and services which simply aren’t available through most other hosting companies today.

How Does Virtio Work

Virtio works by allowing guest device drivers to be ‘aware’ of the fact that it is running in a virtual environment.  It can then cooperate more efficiently with the hypervisor, allowing for a much more streamlined environment.  Guests are then able to get incredibly high performance from both network and disk operations, while still enjoying the important benefits of a virtualized system.

Setting the technical jargon aside for a moment, we have implemented this module into our systems, and optimized both the module and the virtualization environment to provide improvements in speed.  This allows all our customers who enjoy virtualized systems to now get speeds that are much closer to the speeds of customers using dedicated servers.  This is quite an impressive technology, which we believe is going to be a major part of the future of virtualized servers.  We have been very impressed with the results of this new technology thus far, and so have our clients.

InterServer Implementation

The Virtio module is an impressive technology on its own, but as with all technologies, the true benefits will depend on the implementation.  The InterServer virtualization engineers took the time to ensure this module was seamlessly added to our already advanced infrastructure.  We have optimized both the Virtio module and our virtualization environments to work perfectly together, which helps to ensure all of our clients are getting the best possible performance based on the specific package they purchased.

Benefits to Our Clients

While the technology behind Virtio may be fascinating to some people, most are really going to be interested in just one thing.  What are the benefits to the client?  Well, there are many benefits, including these:

  • Faster Response – As mentioned above, clients will receive significant speed benefits from choosing a hosting package that harnesses the power of Virtio.
  • Saves Money – Many clients find that they are having a hard time choosing between dedicated servers and virtualized options. Virtio brings the performance of virtualized systems much closer to that of dedicated options, allowing many clients to go with the more affordable option, while still enjoying the power and speed they require.
  • Advanced Technology – Virtio uses advanced technologies that are at the cutting edge of virtualization.  This means that clients can take advantage of these latest technologies today, and for years to come.
  • Proven Architecture – Virtio uses a technical architecture that is very similar to established systems like Xen and Guest Tools by VMWare.  This architecture has been proven to be stable and extremely reliable for virtualized systems.
  • More Efficient Use of Resources – Full virtualization (without Virtio) is a great technology, but it isn’t very efficient in its use of resources because the hypervisor must emulate all the physical devices.  Virtio eliminates much of this, allowing the system to run more efficiently.

If you have any questions about Virtio, and how it can benefit you, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our sales or technical staff.  We’d be happy to discuss this technology with you, and answer all your questions.



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