InterServer Free Student Web Hosting

Posted at September 30, 2016 at 3:55 pm

Free Student Web HostingFree Student Web Hosting – A lot is expected out of students today, which is why many companies offer them a variety of discounts and other perks. To help encourage students to learn more about web development, and what the Internet has to offer, InterServer has decided to offer Free Student Web Hosting to anyone with a .edu email address for an entire year. This web hosting can be used to house any type of personal or business website that they would like.

With some of today’s biggest websites (Facebook, for example) being started from a college dorm room, this great offer could help to produce new web services that will literally change the way the world works.

Powerful &  Reliable Hosting

While there are a variety of free hosting options available online, most of them require the user to display ads in order to pay for the hosting services. Students who sign up for InterServer’s free hosting offer will be able to build their websites without these types of restrictions, and they will have access to the high quality hosting solutions that they need. InterServer is well-known for having the fastest and most reliable shared hosting solutions around, and this is exactly what students will be receiving.

Simple Website Creation Tools Included

InterServer offers all of their clients, including those taking advantage of this Free Student Web Hosting, hundreds of one-click installation scripts used to set up websites. This includes a script to automatically install and configure WordPress on the hosting server. WordPress is the world’s most popular website platform, and can help students get their sites up and running just minutes. Even those who have no experience running websites can create beautiful pages without any coding skills at all.

Great for Classwork Too

A growing number of courses are requiring students to create their own websites. This includes programming classes, web development classes, digital marketing classes, and many others. While some universities will provide students with hosting, it is typically low quality and very locked down. Having access to a full Free Student Web Hosting account from InterServer will help ensure the websites used in classes are not only high quality, but that the students can take them with them long after the course is over.

Request Your Free Hosting Today

Any student (or teacher) with a .edu email address can sign up for their free hosting account anytime by visiting Go through the normal registration process, using your .edu address, to gain access to your full year of free hosting.

To qualify your school must first be approved by us and the EDU domain name must be white listed. If you are having trouble signing up please reach out to our sales department.

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8 Responses to “InterServer Free Student Web Hosting”

  1. Matthew Roller says:

    Hello interserver, I am interested in having the student hosting? I have two websites, one is for a business partner and friend, Craig Judd. The other website that I have is a gaming website where I let people know my hobbies. I play a lot of World of Warcraft and am waiting to finish out my degree. I have 48 out of 60 credits so I am almost there ! Let me know please

  2. says:

    i no email edu

  3. CRANET AMMIE says:

    Hello interserver admin , I’am student and sign up with school email in my country( can I get free 1 year hosting?

  4. Lee says:

    How can i activate this after registration it ask for PayPal or credit card to complete hosting order.

  5. William West says:

    Dear Staff,
    I am study of Virginia Highland Community Collage.
    Why I am can’t register Free Plan for student with my email?
    Thank You very much

  6. SSC exam result with marksheet says:

    I made a website for event blogging. I host my site in a server. But in the events time, I got my website down for huge traffic. Thanks for your article. It will help to choose a better hosting plan.

  7. Priyank says:

    I am a Student. And I also have .edu mail address but I face some issue in signup for student hosting like ‘This Domain is blocked for signup’

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