Posted at October 11, 2016 at 2:04 pm
Digital security has been an issue that has been of growing concern for website owners for quite some time now. It has actually gotten to the point where Google and other search engines have confirmed that they provide SEO benefits to websites that use secured connections. To help Webmasters to secure their sites, cPanel has been working on a new feature that makes it faster and easier than ever to use SSL certificates, which are the industry standard for website security. This new feature is called AutoSSL, and is available for all InterServer customers.
Making Security Simple
In the past, when a website owner wanted to use a SSL certificate they needed to go through a number of difficult steps including filling out forms and manually copying the certificates into place. AutoSSL removes these requirements and handles it all for you.
Once enabled, the AutoSSL system secures your websites (all of them using that cPanel) using a domain vaulted SSL certificate. This protects your website, and the data that is transferred to and from it, with a high level of encryption.
In the past, one of the biggest hassles with using SSL certificates is having to keep track of when they are expiring, and going through the renewal process to avoid problems. AutoSSL solves this issue by automatically requesting a new certificate and having it installed without any need for user interaction.
Difference Between Paid and Free SSL Certificates
The AutoSSL system provides users with what is known as a domain validated certificate. This is essentially the entry level SSL option because there is less verification that goes into issuing the certificate. Issuing DV certificates is automated, unlike paid options that require human interaction between the issuing and requesting companies, which is how cPanel is able to offer this level of security for free. Choosing the right type of SSL certificate is very important for ensuring your data is protected to the level you require. There is a huge difference between paid and free SSL certificates being offered. The following three types of SSL certificates are available to individuals and companies that are looking to protect their data:
The extra manpower required to validate the organization and extended validation levels of certificates are what makes them cost so much money. Since SSL certificates expire after a set amount of time (typically 90 days, 6 months, or 1 year, depending on the issuer) having a free certificate can save a lot of money over time.
Just the Beginning
AutoSSL is a great way to improve website security, but it is just the beginning of what is going to be offered by cPanel, and available to all InterServer customers. cPanel has confirmed that they are working on support for other encryption features (through Let’s Encrypt) to help keep people’s web content safe and secure. These types of advancements are becoming an essential part of safely running any type of site today. They can keep both website owners, and the visitors to their sites, safe from the increasingly sophisticated threats that are present throughout the web today.
Enabling AutoSSL
AutoSSL is already available in all cPanels from InterServer. To enable this great feature, simply browse under the SSL/TLS heading, then click on Manage AutoSSL. The page that loads up will have two options, one to enable and one to disable the feature. Simply click enable and press save. This is all that is needed for an excellent first layer of security for all your websites.
*Disclaimer: This feature is not available for Windows Shared Hosting Plans
This post is dated 2016. How do I get an SSL today.
How many Free SSL do i get if i have multiple Domains?
Hello Mike,
cPanel offers unlimited free DV SSL for all the domains hosted under our Linux shared hosting plans
Mike Clark go to cPanel, and then Security -> SSL/TLS Status, then there will be a button on that page labeled “Run AutoSSL” which will start the process of giving your domains certificates.