InterServer’s New Shared Hosting Security Feature: InterShield

Posted at June 5, 2017 at 3:00 pm by Stacey Talieres

InterShield Security Banner
“I’ve been hacked”! How many times have we heard this line before? My guess would be way too many times. As we all become ever more interconnected thanks to the power of the World Web Wide, and along with it comes the dangers of malware. However, malware has always been a step above those trying to mitigate its power and consequences. According to an independent IT-Security Institute, AV-TEST claims that “over 390,000 new malicious programs are developed every day” Numbers like this make us here at InterServer quite concerned, Shared Hosting Security is something that is very important to us. Not many end-users are aware of the dangers that lurk around the corner or on their very own website. As a result, we have decided to develop a new five prong malware and prevention system which we call InterShield. These five prongs include:

  •         Web app firewall
  •         File upload scanner
  •         Automatic scan of running scripts
  •         Outbound email protection
  •         Malware detection

We believe that this approach should quickly prevent malware from posing a major threat to Shared Hosting Security not only us, but any of our customer using our shared hosting. Let us further explore what each of the five prongs exactly does and accomplishes.

Web Application Firewall

Websites are constantly under threat from cross site scripts, SQL injections and various other threats. The two most common, cross site scripts and SQL injections can prove to be quite harmful to Shared Hosting Security. Cross-site scripting is a form of client-side code injection where the hacker executes scripts into a website or application. These forms of attacks specifically target one’s website because it will then affect those who visit the site. SQL injections are another form of code injection into websites. At which point the attacker uses SQL commands into data entry fields to impact database integrity. These hackers are trying to gain escalated access to website data and other forms of confidential information.

With Mod_Security enabled in our linux shared hosting servers these common attacks are prevented. We won’t get into the exact details on how it works, but there are expressions and rules that helps stop these attacks dead in their tracks. Mod_Security adds another layer of security for us since sometimes programming code leaves itself open to vulnerabilities

File Scanner

Another way malware can be spread onto servers is by uploading malicious files. Sometimes people can unknowingly upload files that contain viruses. This can spell disaster for anyone. However, this layer of the InterShield Shared Hosting Security scans for malware from uploaded files. Malware usually contains a certain signature that can be detected. Our scanners are always updated regularly, so that the latest malware won’t be a problem for us.

Scan of Scripts

Scripts can be very useful when running a website. However sometimes certain scripts that people use can be malicious. On our shared hosting servers we are constantly scanning to make sure that any current scripts running are non-malicious. This additional  layer of protection and prevention allows you to rest assured that your website will never be compromised due to a bad script.

Email Protection

As part of our longstanding promise to our customers, guaranteed email delivery is always protected on our standard hosting. We make sure that we follow through on this promise by allowing the delivery of valid, non-spam, and non-bulk emails. Our Shared Hosting Security technology allows to find compromised accounts quickly. This prevents an IP address from getting blacklisted, so that everyone else does not suffer because of one customer.

Malware Detection

In an effort to protect our customers on our standard hosting account we maintain a large database full of malware scripts. Keeping track of their signatures allows for us to quickly target and remove any malware that poses a threat to us. Over 155k pieces of malware have been detected. If you are interested in learning more about this please follow this link: As you can see our intrusion system is constantly catching malware signatures and updating them into this database.

5 Reasons to Purchase $5 Standard Shared Hosting

There you have it. We hope that given the information provided that you will elect InterServer as your shared hosting provider. Our standard shared hosting comes with cPanel, Softacolous script installer, unlimited domains, email, bandwidth, Shared Hosting Security, and so much more. Before signing up with us, customers always ask what built in security features do we have. As you can see, InterServer’s InterShield provides multiple layers of protection against various levels of malware.


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2 Responses to “InterServer’s New Shared Hosting Security Feature: InterShield”

  1. Mark Abrams says:

    I am lead to understand that this service only applies to Linux Hosting. It would be great to know that a comparable service is available and functioning on the ASP.Net Windows Shared Hosting as well.

  2. Himagain says:

    Great! Interserver services just keep getting better! Thanks.

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