Time to Upgrade?

Posted by Stacey Talieres

Our Standard Shared Hosting plan, while it offers endless features to service a website, might be insufficient in effort to expanding your successful and growing business. Fortunately, InterServer offers a perfect upgrade system for your expansion. First, lets answer a few common questions:

How do I know when I should upgrade?

If any of the following topics may relate to your circumstances, then it may be time to upgrade!

  • Increased Traffic
    1. i) The more traffic a site has the more stress its performance takes. In other words, as traffic increases, performance decreases!
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InterServer Travels at LiteSpeed

Posted by Stacey Talieres

LiteSpeed Banner

How InterServer utilizes LiteSpeed software to power our shared cPanel web-hosting. Here’s a look on what goes on behind the scenes!

Shared hosting is a very common subscription and requires high maintenance. InterServers main goal is to offer shared web-hosting that is reliable, secure, and powerful! Through LiteSpeed, we are able to offer just that.

What is LiteSpeed?

LiteSpeed is a software application that runs on a web server. Its purpose is to improve  performance by conserving resources without sacrificing performance, security, compatibility, or convenience.

A graph example from litespeedtech.com Read More

As a longtime fan of WordPress, working on my former employer’s website pained me. I compared the organization’s online presence to a kindergartener’s craft project—held together with macaroni noodles and paste. 

The website looked fairly modern to visitors, but the backend was a disaster. The theme had been customized beyond recognition, meaning updates would require days of rebuilding that we couldn’t afford. Our performance and security continually suffered, and I spent tons of time beating back the malware, pharmaceutical ads, and SQL injections. 

The person who originally created the website was a fantastic graphic designer but knew very little about running a website. Read More

Hurricane Harvey

Posted by Stacey Talieres

CBT Locker Ransomware

Posted by Stacey Talieres

Now Available at InterServer: Virtuozzo 7

Posted by Stacey Talieres

DrupalCon 2017

Posted by Stacey Talieres