Posted by Stacey Talieres
BlogVault is a backup & security service that allows for daily and real-time automatic backups. It also provides malware scanning and one-click malware removal. BlogVault continues to deliver for customers with their extended features which offer Dedicated staging, Auto Restore, Test Restore and Migration; four very critical features that perform efficiently and heroically. To seal the deal, BlogVault designed Migrate Guru, a host-agnostic WordPress migration plugin! Here’s how it works.
InterServer recognizes BlogVaults’ extremely valuable usage in the WebHosting industry. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Our Standard Shared Hosting plan, while it offers endless features to service a website, might be insufficient in effort to expanding your successful and growing business. Fortunately, InterServer offers a perfect upgrade system for your expansion. First, lets answer a few common questions:
How do I know when I should upgrade?
If any of the following topics may relate to your circumstances, then it may be time to upgrade!
Posted by Stacey Talieres
How InterServer utilizes LiteSpeed software to power our shared cPanel web-hosting. Here’s a look on what goes on behind the scenes!
Shared hosting is a very common subscription and requires high maintenance. InterServers main goal is to offer shared web-hosting that is reliable, secure, and powerful! Through LiteSpeed, we are able to offer just that.
What is LiteSpeed?
LiteSpeed is a software application that runs on a web server. Its purpose is to improve performance by conserving resources without sacrificing performance, security, compatibility, or convenience.
A graph example from Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
As a longtime fan of WordPress, working on my former employer’s website pained me. I compared the organization’s online presence to a kindergartener’s craft project—held together with macaroni noodles and paste.
The website looked fairly modern to visitors, but the backend was a disaster. The theme had been customized beyond recognition, meaning updates would require days of rebuilding that we couldn’t afford. Our performance and security continually suffered, and I spent tons of time beating back the malware, pharmaceutical ads, and SQL injections.
The person who originally created the website was a fantastic graphic designer but knew very little about running a website. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
InterServer gives back!
Hurricane Harvey has devastated parts of the United States with its record-shattering destructiveness. Parts of Louisiana and Texas struggle with extreme flooding conditions that make it impossible to inhabit the area. InterServer has connected with American Red Cross to support the relief of the tragic event. For every Web-Hosting order InterServer will donate 100% of the first month to the American Red Cross.
A key component of InterServers belief system is to give back to the community. If there is a chance to strengthen or aid a community especially in a case of disaster, InterServer will be there! Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Ransomware is a dangerous piece of malware that infects computers. CBT Locker Website, a spin on the infamous CBT Locker for desktops, is one of the latest versions of ransomware that enables an attacker to take WordPress sites hostage and charge a fee for their release.
What is CBT Locker and Ransomware?
Ransomware, which has only been popular for the past few years, is most effective when an attacker plans to make money from his/her victims. Ransomware encrypts all data and leaves the victim a message that important files won’t be decrypted until the victim pays a fee, which can run any where between $50 through thousands of dollars. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
We are extremely excited to announce a new virtualization platform that we are offering to customers for our VPS. This latest platform is called Virtuozzo 7 which is built on top of the RHEL7. Also known as OpenVZ 7, this virtualization platform is a huge leap forward for features regarding density, management tools, and recovery. Listed below are some of the benefits and features for OpenVZ 7.
Posted by Stacey Talieres
“I’ve been hacked”! How many times have we heard this line before? My guess would be way too many times. As we all become ever more interconnected thanks to the power of the World Web Wide, and along with it comes the dangers of malware. However, malware has always been a step above those trying to mitigate its power and consequences. According to an independent IT-Security Institute, AV-TEST claims that “over 390,000 new malicious programs are developed every day” Numbers like this make us here at InterServer quite concerned, Shared Hosting Security is something that is very important to us. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
This past month, InterServer was a proud sponsor of DrupalCon 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland. This great city was host to an event that gave Drupal developers, web host, and government agencies from all across the country a chance to meet up sharing their knowledge and passion. Over the course of three days, we were graced by guest speakers all of whom had a wealth of knowledge, sessions, and social events. As a team we enjoy any opportunity where we can reach out and learn more about the community. Through this recent experience, we found out that Drupal developers are constantly looking for the following requirements from their hosting provider; cheap, extremely reliable, scalable, and of course, Drupal-friendly. Read More
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