Posted by Stacey Talieres
As of 8/1/2016 Acquia will no longer be offering hosting for Drupal Gardens customers. With that in mind InterServer is offering a promotion of 1 penny for the first month of service followed with a per monthly rate of $5 in an effort to help all these customers find a new home. We are offer fully managed and free migrations which are then handled by our team of migration experts. Our service comes with 24/7 on site support and with no contractual obligation.
When you export or migrate over to InterServer it will not disrupt your website’s layout or functionality in anyway. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Secaucus, New Jersey, 6/7/2016: InterServer, a leading provider of web hosting solutions, recently announced that it will provide Bread Basket to its VPS clients. With Bread Basket, InterServer aims to accelerate the installation processes while enabling a higher level of operational efficiency for its clients. This includes an assortment of software while keeping simplicity at its core. With this enhanced solution, the users are equipped with total control over their resources which includes 24/7 technical support.
Customers who select Bread Basket can then order a VPS with a Webuzo panel pre-installed. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Secaucus, New Jersey, 5/20/2016: InterServer, a leading provider of web hosting solutions designed to complement its customers’ existing businesses, announced today the extension of its platform’s virtualization offerings to include support for Microsoft Hyper-V with deep integration and support for Microsoft Cloud Solutions.
Hyper-V Virtualization
With Hyper-V virtualization, the infrastructure can easily support configuration of high-performance virtual machines for sustaining workloads that require significant scaling. The most important feature of Hyper-V is that it can support over 16 million virtualized networks. It can provide virtualized networks across public, private and hybrid cloud resources. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Domain names are like the real estate of the Internet world. It is how your business is known over the Internet. But, choosing a domain name is not an easy task. Sometimes even after putting in a lot of thoughts, you might end up with a not-so-desirable domain name.
Assuming that you have finally managed to secure the domain of your dreams and want to change your web address, you must know that there are a lot of things to consider before you can move to your new web address, especially if you don’t want to damage your search rankings. Read More
Posted by Manoj Kumar
Drupal is a PHP based open-source platform and web content management system for building dynamic websites. Featuring a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal is an ideal platform for all kinds of websites from personal weblogs to large community-driven sites.
Powering over 1,000,000 websites and a community boasting of 39000 active members, Drupal is a great choice as a CMS, to say the least. If you are enamoured with Drupal, check out the post below to understand how you can install Drupal on your account.
Get started with Drupal site
With a little bit of computer knowledge, you can easily install Drupal yourself. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Technology attracts passion like no other! Just visit any website discussing two technologies and glance at the comments section and you’ll see tech aficionados bashing one another over decisions to use one technology over another. Like most fans across the world techy’ s are amongst the most passionate and loyal to what they believe to be the best.
How could CMS be left behind? Just like any tech rivalry, WordPress and Drupal have been competing to be the best content management system (CMS) dating back to the time they first launched. Read More
Posted by Manoj Kumar
It’s very hard to drive quality traffic to a newly made blog. When you start a new blog, you don’t have e-mails that generate traffic nor do you have articles ranking on google for targeted keywords which typically aid in traffic.
It becomes very hard to drive traffic in such cases. When I started my first blog, I was like “How can I drive traffic to my blog? If I don’t have an audience”.
After working on 3 different blogs with a combined total of 1.5 years of experience. I finally nailed down the right method to developing a blog. Read More
Posted by Manoj Kumar
Competition analysis is one of the most important parts of blogging. Before starting any niche blog or before writing any article, Keyword research and competition analysis are important.
They are important because after doing proper keyword research and competition analysis, you will get keywords that can make money for you. You can use the given tools below for keyword research and competition analysis.
As you can see, most of these tools are paid. Due to the high costs, many bloggers cannot afford them. Read More
Posted by Manoj Kumar
Drupal is a popular content management platform for big Enterprises, Governments, and Higher Educational Institutes, as it is extremely dynamic in nature. Any website built with a Drupal theme can be used for a wide variety of applications because of the robustness and flexibility of its API development.
A Drupal website has quick loading ability and core catching features, which makes it one of the most efficient tools. The Drupal platform is defined as more developer friendly than user and you will find it easy if you have experience as a developer. Read More
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