Posted by Michael Lavrik
Posted by Manoj Kumar
WordPress… It’s interesting because you really don’t have to mess with the code if you don’t want to. Additionally, you can create aperfect site which has been fully customized to meet your needs!
It important to note that millions of sites are powered by WordPress and it is one of the most utilized content management systems that you can get for free! Now, let’s move on to some specifics, WordPress has thousands of free plugins and themes and out of them, there are some plugins and themes that will slow down your site. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
2015 was a busy year for InterServer but one of our major highlights was participating in WordCamps in the later part of the year. If you follow our blog closely you probably remember reading about our adventures at WordCamp NYC back in October. After having a great time in NYC we ventured off to Philly for WordCamp USA and a couple of Cheese steaks along the way. The camp was held at the Philadelphia Convention Center which was spectacular. 2000 loyal WordPress fans filled the main entry way of the convention center in between each presentation. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Good things take time and this especially holds true in the case of Drupal 8! With Drupal being around for over 15 years and Drupal 8 in development since 2011, it has been almost 5 years in the making.
Why did it take so long? The primary reason being that it has completely been redeveloped. Drupal has always been powerful but it was often deemed less user-friendly, until the release of Drupal 8 which has completely changed that. UsingSymfonyas PHP framework, the system has become less complex and has loads of features which makes it more flexible, scalable, responsive, and user friendly. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
How much does website speed matter?
Well, to Amazon, it matters to the tune of $1.6 billion.
That’s how much they’d lose if their website slowed down by just one second. Make no mistake, the speed of your website has a direct impact on your business.
Scary isn’t it?
Website speed is major obsession of mine. I believe that load speed is the foundation of any good website, therefore making it the foundation of any good business.
If your site is slow, it’s holding you back.
1. Sales and conversions
Let’s start with the headline figures. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Cascade Style Sheets… server side scripting… security audits… code revision, are these tech terms going right above your head? Does it kind of feel as though your playing Pictionary with your tech team and the picture they’re drawing is being interpreted completely different then originally intended, which ultimately continues until one of you calls it quits? Does the excessive cost of your web developer keep you up at night? After this long up hill battle you finally conclude that the only way to possibly execute your idea is to learn how to code yourself. Read More
Posted by Manoj Kumar
WordPress has changed the game of how websites are built. Originally referred to as just software for blogs, WordPress has earned its reputation as the undisputed star of cyberspace. WordPress is increasingly being recognized as a perfect way to run your website or blog and in some cases a combination of the two. With hundreds and thousands of available themes and plugins, the sky is the limit for you! The best part is that it doesn’t require a ton of technical skills to set it up. Installation or setting up local environment or localhost help you speed up your development process and you can test and try themes and plugins and do a lot more before making it live. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Benefits of using Managed WordPress Hosting
Offering limitless possibilities, WordPress is a resourceful CMS, packed with great features providing an amazing user experience. Hosting over 70 million websites and powering over 25 percentage of Internet, WordPress is undeniably a fan favorite. However, like it is the case with everything else, you have to take the bitter with the better! With the multitude of benefits that WordPress offers, it is not immune to some side effects. One of the most serious drawbacks of WordPress is that your website is exposed to security vulnerabilities. Read More
Posted by Stacey Talieres
Deciding on a Domain Name is similar to picking a Company Name. You should put a lot of thought and research into choosing the Domain Name, as it is how you will be identified on the internet. Below are some things to consider when choosing a Domain Name.
1. Easy To Type
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