Posted by Ylber Popaj
Two Factor Authentication is a super effective and easy to setup security measure. This cPanel feature provides an additional layer of security by requiring a code authentication upon a successful login attempt. So, after logging into WHM with the correct username and password, you would be prompted to input a code generated by an authentication application like Google Authenticator. In this blog post, we will help you activate Two-Factor Authentication and explain the benefits of using it.
The initial process begins in your Web Host Manager (WHM). Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
Without a GUI, servers must be configured and operated through SSH, which requires extensive knowledge of command line syntax. Control panels provide a centralized and intuitive way to manage your servers.
Bread Basket, which is included for free with InterServer VPS plans, take the tedium out of having to type line after line of commands — after all, webmasters are humans, not robots.
InterServer’s customized control panel is designed for maximum usability and cost savings. While competitors often charge additional fees for control panel access, Bread Basket allows users to easily deploy hundreds of cloud applications at no extra cost. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
You may have become familiar with our InterShield blog posts. It has become a special security series of ours which serves of high importance to us and Web Hosting our customers. Due to its ongoing success and popularity, we have decided to describe the step by step process of which InterShield follows.
A request to access a website comes in, someone has entered into a browser.
Using litespeed web-server and the RBL rule, Interserver InterShield queries our own internal RBL blacklist. This blacklist contains known bad ips; ips that have been blocked for bad activity, hacking, uploading malware and a number of other activities. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
With massive data breaches hitting the world’s largest brands, website owners may often wonder how well they’d fare against online threats: “If global corporations are having trouble keeping up with web security, how could I stand a chance to stay secure?”
Fortunately, online security isn’t restricted to the wealthiest, most high-traffic sites. Web hosting companies protect themselves and customers by locking down every possible aspect of their infrastructure and clients’ environments. Here are some of the most common tools reputable hosts will offer customers:
Fortunately, InterServer includes all the above with its standard shared hosting plan. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
InterServer’s InterShield system is able to stop many attacks and updates daily based on new data including new possible malware, known exploits and other Common Vulnerabilities. However, sometimes even with all these a new type of malware comes up.
In a recent case a site was redirecting to a pharmacy website but only when coming from a google search engine result. The site initially passed all scans of known vulnerabilities, the url did not exist in the code or database and it was reproducible. In this cases advanced debugging is needed. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
The month of February brought yet another scare to the hosting world. A WordPress vulnerability was exposed which allowed hackers to initiate what is known as a denial of service (DoS) attack on ones website. Ultimately, under a DoS attack, your website becomes unreachable by anyone including you. The technical understanding of performing the DoS attack is rather simple.The flaw begins under the well-known “/wp-admin” directory. Every WordPress site is assigned this path as an administrative source. It was discovered that while loading this path there exists a script which fetches a number of JS/CSS files. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
You may have heard of terms like Meltdown and Spectre in recent tech news. Both exhibit a hardware vulnerability exposed by a small team in Austria. Through software, both are able to access private data on a server, but how is this possible? The vulnerability begins at the most inner core of a computer, the Central Processing Unit (CPU). By observing micro processes and transactions, these programs were able to access other parts of the computer that may not be relevant to the actual programs running. Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
In recent news, you may have noticed the subject popularity on Bitcoin. The following questions may come up,
We will help you get a clear picture of the internet currency without getting into the nitty gritty details that may confuse most people.
Firstly, Bitcoin is an internet currency or better known as, a cryptocurrency. It offers a way to make transactions without the common use of the U.S Read More
Posted by Ylber Popaj
Magento 2 is a complex and highly configurable eCommerce platform. It supports endless level of customization. It lets you create a website with almost any functionality you can think of.
The price you pay for such a flexible eCommerce solution is performance. Magento 2 (M2) might be quite slow. I am sure you have seen people on the web searching for ways to speed it up.
I am going to share with you my 5 easy steps to fix a slow M2 site. You don’t need to have programming skills to implement them. Read More
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