Control Panels for VPS Management

VPS Management Made Easy: Why You Should Use a Control Panel

Without a GUI, servers must be configured and operated through SSH, which requires extensive knowledge of command line syntax.  Control panels provide a centralized and intuitive way to manage your servers.

Bread Basket, which is included for free with InterServer VPS plans, take the tedium out of having to type line after line of commands — after all, webmasters are humans, not robots.

InterServer’s customized control panel is designed for maximum usability and cost savings. While competitors often charge additional fees for control panel access, Bread Basket allows users to easily deploy hundreds of cloud applications at no extra cost. Read More

How InterShield Works

Posted by Ylber Popaj

How InterShield Works
You may have become familiar with our InterShield blog posts. It has become a special security series of ours which serves of high importance to us and
Web Hosting our customers. Due to its ongoing success and popularity, we have decided to describe the step by step process of which InterShield follows.

A request to access a website comes in, someone has entered into a browser.

Step 1: Check IP address against known blacklists

Using litespeed web-server and the RBL rule, Interserver InterShield queries our own internal RBL blacklist. This blacklist contains known bad ips; ips that have been blocked for bad activity, hacking, uploading malware and a number of other activities. Read More

InterShield Evolves

Posted by Ylber Popaj

WordPress Vulnerability Secured

Posted by Ylber Popaj

BitCoin – To Bit, or Not To Bit

Posted by Ylber Popaj