Two Factor Authentication: A Security Must-Have

Posted at June 18, 2018 at 8:13 pm

Two Factor Authentication Banner

Two Factor Authentication is a super effective and easy to setup security measure. This cPanel feature provides an additional layer of security by requiring a code authentication upon a successful login attempt. So, after logging into WHM with the correct username and password, you would be prompted to input a code generated by an authentication application like Google Authenticator. In this blog post, we will help you activate Two-Factor Authentication and explain the benefits of using it.


1) Setting Up

The initial process begins in your Web Host Manager (WHM). In the search bar located on the left panel of the page you should type “Two-Factor Authentication”. Click on the Two-Factor Authentication tab and proceed to click “Manage My Account”.  You will be prompted for a step by step guide that looks like this:


You will then need an authenticator application installed. In this specific example we used Google Authenticator on a mobile device. The application will offer a “Scan Barcode” option of which you would scan the barcode displayed on WHM. Once scanned, the authenticator option will present to you some information about your service along with a temporary authentication code. Use this code to fill out the steps on WHM and you will see:

The status is then set to configured and your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is active! Try logging in and you should be prompted the following:


1) Benefits of Using 2FA

The major benefit of using Two-Factor Authentication is more security. Security is extremely important when it comes to protecting data. 2FA offers a solid solution to a worst case scenario; if your password was stolen. Generally, if your password was stolen and cracked, the hacker would have full access to what is in your account, assuming they have cracked the root or admin user password. With 2FA active, a hacked password is not sufficient enough for a hacker to access your information/data. They would physically need the device setup with your 2FA account to view the generated security code. This feature makes it extremely difficult and almost near impossible to hack your account via WHM. As a team devoted to making your online hosting journey the best it can be, InterServer highly recommends the use of Two-Factor Authentication on any cPanel/WHM accounts.

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One Response to “Two Factor Authentication: A Security Must-Have”

  1. Charles says:

    Nice post

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