Backup and Restore in cPanel
Posted on December 1st, 2015
The Backup option allows us to generate full or partial backups of cPanel accounts including files, databases, Email forwarders and filters.
You may follow the video tutorial given below or continue reading.
Steps to access the “Backups” option.
1: Login to cPanel.
2: Locate the “Files” section and click on “Backups” option from there as shown below.
Download a Full Website Backup
You can refer the following steps to generate a full backup of your website.
1: Click “Download a Full Website Backup”
2: In the next page, you can see option “Available Backups to Download”. If you performed a full backup operation, you can see this backup right under “Available Backups to Download” option as shown below. The backup will be downloaded automatically, when you click on the backup name.
3: If you wish to take a new backup, you need to go to “Generate Full Backup” option.
Here you can see dropdown box to choose location to store you backup. You can either download the backup in the home directory or you can download it to a remote location through FTP or SCP. You can select your desired option from the dropdown.
Next you can see “Email Address” box. You can enter an Email address in the box and enable the option if you wish to receive an email notification once the backup completed. Else you can select the option “Do not send email notification of backup completion”.
Finally click on “Generate backup” option and you will receive Email notification upon the completion as per your settings.
Partial Backups
We can generate and download home directory, MySQL, Email forwarders etc. independently instead of a full backup.
In order to download home directory you need to click on the “Home Directory” option. If you wish to restore the downloaded home directory backup, you need to upload file using “Choose File” option, then click “Upload”.
To download database backup, you need to click on the database name listed under “Databases” option as shown in the above image. To restore these backup you need to upload the backup file using “Choose File” option, then click “Upload”.
You can download the backup of the Email forwarders created using the “Forwarders” option as shown in the picture. Also you can restore the same using “Restore Email Forwarders”. You need to choose the file then click “Upload”.
We can do backup and restore for Email filters too. You can check the above picture. Backup restore steps are the same.
If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.