Blogger to WordPress Redirection Using Plugin
Posted on October 24th, 2018
Blogger to WordPress Redirection Using Plugin
The page which migrated from blogger to WordPress blog also needed to redirect the visitors from the blog to WordPress blog. We can set the redirection of the blog to the homepage of the WordPress blog without the plugin but the users will not afford that when we land upon a home page unexpectedly. The plugin can help us to fix this problem. It will handle the traffic redirection part in a way that the visitor will be redirected from the post on a blog to the same post on the WordPress blog.
We can use the “Blogger to WordPress” plugin to set the redirection. This plugin handles everything automatically and we can set the redirection without many efforts. The mapping between and WordPress posts is done on a 1-to-1 basis for both search engines as well as human-visitors. Search engines redirection is taken care of by using META Refresh tag and “rel=canonical” tags. Together these techniques should be able to compensate for 301-redirection, which is the best solution but not possible on server.
How to Use the Plugin?
1) Install the plugin on your WordPress blog by login to the dashboard. Then click on the option “Plugins” on the left side menu, then click on “Add New” option. This will give the page shown below and search for “Blogger to WordPress” option and click the button “Install”.
After the installation, activate the plugin and you can see a menu option with name “Blogger to WordPress redirection” under the menu “Tools “. Click on the menu.
2) Click on the option “Start Configuration” available on the plugin page and it will generate code for the blog.
3) A list of blog names which have posts that have been imported to WordPress will be displayed. Click on the “Get Code” button to generate the redirection code.
This will generate a code to configure redirection on the blog. Copy the code.
4) Login to your blog and click the “Template” menu, then edit the HTML section and paste the code generated by the plugin.
You can check the redirection from the plugin page by clicking the option “Verify configuration”.
Using the ‘Blogger to WordPress Redirection’ plugin, you can easily move your traffic from blog to your current WordPress blog.
If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.