How to Enable Advanced DNS Editor in WHM

Posted on December 5th, 2017

The Basic DNS Zone editor allows a user to add, update, and delete two record types only A and CNAME. Whereas, the Advanced DNS Zone Editor feature allows you to create, edit and delete all record types like A records, CNAME records, and TXT records. In this documentation, we can check how to enable advanced DNS editor in WHM.


1) Log into WHM.

2) Go to the ‘Packages’ option from the WHM.

Advanced DNS Editor


3) Select the ‘Feature Manager’ tool under ‘Packages’ section.

Advanced DNS Editor


4) Select the feature template list which you want to edit from the ‘Manage Feature List’ option.

Advanced DNS Editor


5) Click the button ‘Edit’ to manage the feature list.

6) If the feature template list is not there, then we can create the same by giving a name. For example, enter a name in the ‘Add a new feature list ‘ tab, here we are using “default” as the name and Click ‘Add Feature List’ button to create the feature template.

Advanced DNS Editor


7) On the next page, you can see a long list of Features which are assigned to accounts. Select the checkbox next to the Advanced DNS Zone Editor field to enable the option.

Advanced DNS Editor


8) Go to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save’ button to update the changes.


That is how we can enable advanced DNS editor in WHM.


If you need any further help please do reach our support department.



One Response to “How to Enable Advanced DNS Editor in WHM”

  1. Ali says:

    Thank you

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