Enable Bandwidth Optimization in Drupal

Posted on February 1st, 2017

Drupal is a web application used as a web content management tool. Drupal’s internal search engine provides simple and advanced type search modes. Search can be customized too. Drupal’s every page and sections can be published as an RSS feed if it’s necessary. With the basic help of HTML & CSS, you can create a fully customized website. Drupal also allows you to manage bandwidth or traffic on your website. You can optimize the bandwidth and create your website faster and more reliable on your specific devices.

If you want your website load fast then you can increase network bandwidth. But another way to load your pages fast is to optimise the existing bandwidth usage. So the Drupal web management tool has the option to optimise the bandwidth of your site which can easily manageable. You just need to enable the tool from your admin panel and your site will be optimised its bandwidth. Let’s see how to enable bandwidth optimisation in Drupal in just a couple of steps.

Enable Bandwidth Optimisation in Drupal

Step 1: Log-in to your Admin Panel with the use of your Username & Password.

Step 2: Click Configuration in the Tabs section. This click will take you to the site content configuration and setting page scroll down to the Development section.

Bandwidth Optimisation in Drupal  - Step 1 and 2

Step 3: In Development Section Click on Performance as you can see in the image below.

Optimise bandwidth in Drupal - Step 3

Step 4: you can see a section as BANDWIDTH OPTIMIZATION.

Bandwidth optimisation in Drupal - Step 4

Step 5: Select the check box to true. It means you enable the bandwidth optimization for
the following item.

Bandwidth Optimisation in Drupal - Step 5

Step 6: Click on Save Configuration to save the settings.

Optimise bandwidth in Drupal - Step 6

So, this is how you can enable bandwidth Optimisation in Drupal. If you have a website with a lot of traffic, Enabling it would help you save a lot of bandwidth. We hope this tutorial was helpful to you. If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below in the comment section.

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