How to fix Token Mismatch Error in phpMyAdmin
Posted on January 28th, 2017
In this tutorial we can check how to fix token mismatch error in phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool and one of the most popular applications for MySQL databases management. It is written in PHP. It can handle the administration of MySQL or MariaDB with the use of a web browser. With phpMyAdmin user can perform different tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions etc.
Follow the below steps to access phpMyAdmin.
1) Login to your cPanel.
2) Under the Databases section, click on phpMyAdmin icon.
3) Select the database you want to work on.
Features of phpMyAdmin
1) MySQL and MariaDB database management.
2) Web interface.
3) Administering multiple servers.
4) Support for most MySQL features.
5) Import data from CSV and SQL.
6) Working with different operating systems.
7) Live charts to monitor MySQL server activity
Token mismatch error in phpMyAdmin
This error can be due to many problems.
1) Disk quota of the account is exceeded
Check whether the disk quota of the account is exceeded using the following command:
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 75G 23G 49G 100% /tmp
The error can be occurred because of /tmp partition is full on the server.
Remove the unwanted files and make the disk space available or allocate extra disk space to /tmp directory.
2) Incorrect permissions
Check permissions of server /tmp directory.
Check permissions of users /tmp directory.
Set the directory permission as 755 by using the following command:
# chmod 755 /home/username/tmp
3) Check “session.save_path” in php.ini file.
Open php.ini file.
# vi php.ini
Find the below line:
;session.save_path = “/tmp”
Remove the first semicolon from this line and set as:
session.save_path = “/tmp”
Restart apache service.
# service httpd restart
If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.
Hi, I follow the steps but it did not work.
# df -h
should this be typed in sql?
You need to type that in Linux shell.
me too…