How to Install and Uninstall Imunify360?

Posted on July 16th, 2020

Imunify360 is an automated security solution with multi-layer defense architecture for Linux based web servers. Immunify360 utilizes a multi-layer approach to provide complete protection against any malicious attacks or abnormal behavior like a brute force attack. Immunify360 includes all features of Immunity AV+ as well as advanced firewalls, intrusion detection, and protection system, malware scanning, patch management, proactive defense, and more. The modular and integrated organization of Immunify360 makes it scale with your needs and provides a secure and reliable web server. Its architecture helps to ensure precise targeting and eradication of viruses and malware. In this tutorial, we will see how to install Imunify360.

If any user violates Immunify360 security rules, such as entering the wrong password, then Immunify360 automatically blocks that user’s IP address. Immunify360 adds that IP address to the Gray List. If you want to remove your blocked IP from the Gray List, then access the HTTP (#80) or HTTPS (#443) Port and enter the CAPTCHA correctly. If this IP repeats the violation of security rules, then the IP gets added to the Gray List again. An administrator can remove the IP from the Gray List and add that to the White List. If the IP gets added to the White List, then the user won’t be blocked even after they violate Immunify360 security rules.

Imunify360 provides an Ignore List in which you can mention all the files and folders which need to get ignored during an automatic or manual malware scan. The Imunify360 central server is a third-party application that serves as a sensor to detect suspicious activities on your server.

Installation Requirements

The Operating system, virtualizer, hardware, hosting panel, and browser requirements to install Imunify360 are listed below:

Operating System

  • CentOS/ CloudLinux 6 and above
  • RHEL
  • Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04


OpenVZ is OS-level virtualization that works for Virtuozzo 7 kernel 3.10.0-327.10.1.vz7.12.8 or above.


  • RAM: 1GB.
  • Hard Disk Drive: 20GB free disk space.

Supported Hosting Panels

  • cPanel
  • Plesk – But Plesk 12.5 is not supported with Imunify360 3.8.5.
  • DirectAdmin – Supports Imunify360 version 3.1.3 and above.

Browser Requirements

  • Safari version 10 or later
  • Google Chrome version 39 or later
  • Firefox version 28 or later
  • Edge version 17 or later

Imunify360 Installation

To install Imunify360 on your server, proceed with the following steps:

Log in to the server as a root user.

Go to the home directory and install Imunify360 by running the following command.

# cd ~
# wget

Run the following command to add the license key. In the following command, you need to replace the LICENSE_KEY with the actual key purchased or trial.

# bash --key LICENSE_KEY

To install the beta version of Imunify360, run the above command with the addition of –beta argument.

# bash --key LICENSE_KEY --beta

If your license is IP based, then run the following bundle of commands to install Imunify360 on your server.

# wget
# bash

To check all the available options for the installation script, run the following command.

# bash -h

If the registration key gets passed later, then run the following Imunify360-agent command to register an activation key. In the following command, replace the ACTIVATION_KEY with your Imunify360 activation key.

# imunify360-agent register ACTIVATION_KEY

If your license is IP based, run the following Imunify360-agent command to register.

# imunify360-agent register IP_License

Update Imunify360

To update Imunify360 on your server, run the following command.

# yum update imunify360-firewall

If you have the beta version of Imunify360, execute the following command to update Imunify360.

# yum update imunify360-firewall --enablerepo=imunify360-testing

If you are using an Ubuntu 16.04 server, run the following commands to update Imunify360.

# apt-get update
# apt-get install --only-update imunify360-firewall

For Ubuntu 18.04 server, run the following commands to update the Imunify360 beta version.

# echo ‘deb xenial main’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/imunify360-testing.list
# apt-get update
# apt-get install --only-upgrade imunify360-firewall

To stop receiving the updates from beta, you should remove the beta repository. After removing the beta repository, update the apt package.

# rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/imunify360-testing.list
# apt-get update

Upgrade Imunify360

After the release of a new stable Imunify360 version, the system automatically upgrades to the new version within two weeks after the release. Run the following commands, If you do not want to wait for that time and wish to update Iunify360 to the latest version.

# wget
# bash

Start and Stop Imunify360

To start and stop Imunify360 service, run the following command from CentOS6 or CloudLinux 6

# service imunify360 start
# service imunify360 stop

To start and stop Imunify360 on all other operating systems, run the following command.

# systemctl start imunify360
# systemctl stop imunify360

Uninstall Imunify360

Run the following command to uninstall Imunify360.

# bash --uninstall

If you deleted already, then you need to download it again by running and then proceed with the uninstallation.

# wget
# bash

After the uninstallation of Imunify360, you need to remount CageFS and remove files from the user’s local directories. If you didn’t follow this procedure, the Apache log generates some errors as these files are not removed automatically during the uninstallation process in CloudLinux OS. Run the following command to update and remount the CageFS in CloudLinux OS.

# /usr/sbin/cagefsctl  --force-update
# /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --remount-all

If you need any further help, Feel free to reach our support department.

2 Responses to “How to Install and Uninstall Imunify360?”

  1. bob noble says:

    i need to to send receive and submit for my pos and imunify360 will not let me

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