How to Install Wagtail CMS on Centos 7?
Posted on April 23rd, 2018
Wagtail CMS is a free and open source Content Management System written in Python and built on Django. Wagtail is simple, fast, beautiful and provides a fast attractive for editors. Wagtail is a flexible Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience. Wagtail comes along with a lot of features like multiple languages and site support, comes with integrated search and it also supports embedded contents.
1) Always it is a good practice to follow before any new installations make sure that the currently installed packages are up to date.
# yum update all
2) Install the EPEL repository.
# rpm -Uvh
3) Install the development tools.
# yum groupinstall -y ‘developement tools’
4) Also, install the necessary packages.
# yum -y install python-pip python-virtualenv pcre-devel python-imaging python-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel make gcc
5) Now let’s install the wagtail.
# pip install wagtail
6) After the installation creates a new wagtail project. Enter the preferred project name.
# wagtail start “yourprojectname”
7) Create a new virtual environment for wagtail by using the following command.
# virtualenv wagtail-env
8) Then switch to the newly created virtual environment.
# source ~/wagtail-env/bin/activate
9) Install the required dependencies.
# cd mysite
# pip install -r requirements.txt
10) Create a new SQLite database.
# python migrate
11) Using the following commands create an admin user.
# python createsuperuser
12) By executing the above-mentioned commands it will prompt for some details for the new user. You can set the username and password there.
13) After the installation access the Wagtail web interface by accessing the link http://yourdomainname:8000 and complete the further installation.
14) By accessing this link, you can see a welcome page and on that page you can see a “here” link, clicking on it will get you into the wagtail login page.
15) Log in using the credentials which we have set as per the step 12.
After login, it will get you into the Wagtail Dashboard.
If you need any further help please do reach our support department.