How to Organise WordPress Files in Media Library

Posted on February 7th, 2023

Since its beginning in 2003, the latest version, WordPress 6.0, was released on May 24, 2022. It comes with a new Gutenberg editor. This editor makes it easier to create custom layouts and designs with blocks. WordPress 6.0 also includes improved media management. This new version allows you to easily manage your media files, such as images, videos, and audio files. You can also now create galleries and playlists directly from the WordPress interface. These small features can save much time and effort. Here, if you need to organise all the media files per your need, you can use different plugins available in WordPress Repository.

Organised media files on a website can help us in many ways. For example, It’s easy to find and use files when they are organised. We can see each required file effortlessly when they’re organised. In this way, the files use less disk space when files are organised. So we can say we can save a lot of space on the server, which can be used for quality features. One of the most compelling advantages is that the system runs more efficiently when files are organised. That will lead to saving time when working on a project. It can also improve website speed and performance. So, in this article, we will learn the advantages of a free plugin called Media Library Folders. Then we will also know how to use this free plugin to organise all the media files on a WordPress Website.

Media Library Folders WordPress Plugin

The Media Library Folders WordPress Plugin is a great way to keep your media organised and orderly. You can use it to create folders and sub-folders within your media library and then drag and drop files into the appropriate folders. This plugin also allows you to bulk upload files into your media library and import folders from other WordPress installations. This plugin is a must-have for any WordPress user who wants to keep their media library organised.

Here are some of the most important features of this plugin.

  • It is an Open-Source WordPress plugin. We can easily download and use this plugin on any WordPress Website.
  • With this plugin, you can easily create and manage all your media files and folders and upload and manage your files.
  • This plugin also allows you to easily add watermarks to your images, an attractive feature that can protect our important media files.
  • You can also use this plugin to easily add EXIF information to your images.
  • The Media Library Folders plugin also supports WordPress Multisite.

Install and Activate Media Library Folders

Firstly, we will install and activate the plugin on your WordPress Website. Follow the steps from here.

Step 1: Go to your WordPress website Dashboard and log in using your Username and Password.

Step 2: Then, hover the cursor on the Plugins tab section on the screen’s left side. Then, Click on the Add New tab, as you can see in the image below.

Step 3: Click on the Search Field and type “Media Library Folders.” The search field will be available on the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Now, find the right plugin from the available search results just below the search field. Then, Click on the Install Now button that is available in the Plugin box, as you can see in the image below.

Step 5: Click on the Activate button, as you can see in the image below.

Here, we successfully installed and activated the Media Library Folders plugin on your WordPress Website. Now, we will configure and use this plugin, so follow the steps from here.

Manage WordPress Media Library using Media Library Folders

Using this plugin is very straight-forward. Follow the below given steps to add some directories or folders to the media library.

Step 1: After Activating the plugin, Goto the WordPress website Dashboard again.

Step 2: Click on the Media Library Folders tab available on the Left-Sided tab and below the Media tab option. See the following image as a reference.

Step 3: Here, you can see the first configuration page of this plugin. Using the Folders and Files settings page, we can organise our files and folders according to our needs. This page is divided into two parts. The left-side is showing a hierarchy of the currently available folders. We need to click on the folder to expand, and we have 3 essential buttons at the top of this section. See the below image as a reference.

Step 4: The First icon will help you to create a new folder. So, select a folder first, click on the Add New Folder icon, and create a new folder within the selected folder. Now, add a folder name without space and click the Create Folder button, as seen in the image below.

Step 5: Now, click on the folder and then click on the second available icon beside the New Folder icon. This icon will help you to upload media files using the drag-and-drop interface.

Step 6: You can see a new section appears on the right side of the screen. You can click the Choose File to add all the media files into this specific folder. Another easy option is to select and drag all the files and drop them in this section. See the below image as a reference.

Step 7: After uploading your media files, select them and use the features at the top of this section. These options allow you to organise files in Media. The options are divided into 3 groups, as shown in the image below. The first group allows us to Move and Copy the media files.

Step 8: The second group is here to provide organising features. Like you can organise the media files by date, title, or reverse order. Then a third group will help you to alter the media files. Like you can Rename, Delete, regenerate the thumbnail or sync them with actual content.

Step 9: The last checkbox will allow you to select all the media files available within this folder. Just click on the checkbox and mark it as true. All the media files will be selected with one click. See the below image as a reference.

Congratulations, we just learned how we can use the Media Library Folders WordPress plugin to organise our media files. Now you can create different folders like Video files, Images, Audio Files, etc. Then, you must select the media files in this folder. You can also use the options to quickly move them from one folder to another. So, use this plugin on your WordPress website and organise your media files.


The Media Library Folders is one of the most straightforward and efficient plugins. This plugin has the most simple and powerful interface. It allows us to upload media files in bulk. More than these features, it also provides different plugin setting options, like regenerating all the thumbnails with one click. There is an option called Image SEO that can automatically add image ALT attributes and Title attributes. This feature is beneficial to make our image more SEO friendly. All you need to do is enable the Image SEO feature and add your preferred information.

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