How to set up Laravel Passport for API Authentication

Posted on August 26th, 2024

Laravel Passport is an excellent tool for adding OAuth2 authentication to your Laravel application, making it easier to manage API access securely. With Passport, you can quickly implement a robust authentication system that protects your API endpoints and ensures that only authorized users can access them. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up Passport, from installation to configuration, to help you integrate it seamlessly into your Laravel app.

We’ll start with the installation, which is a breeze using Composer. After installing Passport, you’ll run a few Artisan commands to publish configuration files and run migrations. This prepares your app to handle OAuth2 tokens effectively. Next, you’ll configure your authentication guard and set up the necessary routes for token management. By following this guide, you’ll have a secure and efficient authentication system in place, ensuring your API is accessible only to those who are authorized.

Why Use Laravel Passport

Laravel Passport provides a complete OAuth2 server implementation, which offers several benefits:

  • Robust Security: OAuth2 is a widely accepted protocol for securing API access with token-based authentication.
  • Simplified Token Management: Passport makes it easy to issue, manage, and revoke tokens.
  • Flexible Authentication Flows: It supports various OAuth2 flows, catering to different authentication needs.
  • Industry Standards: Using OAuth2, you align with industry standards, making integration with other systems straightforward.


Before setting up Laravel Passport, ensure you have the following:

  • Laravel Application: A Laravel application set up and running.
  • Basic Understanding of Laravel: Familiarity with Laravel’s authentication and configuration processes.
  • Composer: PHP’s dependency manager installed for adding Passport to your project.

1. Install Laravel Passport

Step 1: Install Passport

First, you’ll need to install Laravel Passport using Composer. Composer is a PHP dependency manager that quickly includes packages in your Laravel app. Open your terminal, navigate to your Laravel project directory, and run:

composer require laravel/passport

This command installs Passport and its dependencies. After the installation, you should see a Passport in your composer.json file.

Step 2: Publish Passport Configuration

Passport comes with a configuration file that you can customize. Publish it by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Passport\PassportServiceProvider"

This command creates a passport.php file in your config directory. You can modify this file to adjust Passport’s settings, though the default settings often work well for most applications.

Step 3: Run Migrations

Passport needs several database tables to handle OAuth2 operations, like oauth_clients and oauth_access_tokens. Create these tables by running the following:

php artisan migrate

This command runs Passport’s migrations and sets up the necessary tables in your database.

2. Configure Passport in Your Application

Step 4: Generate Encryption Keys

Passport uses encryption keys to sign and verify tokens. Generate these keys by running the following:

php artisan passport:install

This command creates oauth-private.key and oauth-public.key in your storage directory. These keys are used to sign and verify tokens. The command also creates personal access and password grant clients, providing you with client IDs and secrets. Keep these credentials safe, as they are crucial for OAuth2 operations.

Step 5: Update the .env File

Ensure your .env file has the correct APP_URL. This URL is essential for OAuth2 redirections. Open your .env file and set:


Replace with your application URL to ensure proper OAuth2 functionality.

Step 6: Configure Authentication Guard

Laravel uses guards to handle authentication. Update the config/auth.php file to use Passport for API authentication. Modify the guards array as follows:

'guards' => [
    'api' => [
        'driver' => 'passport',
        'provider' => 'users',

This tells Laravel to use Passport’s driver for the api guard, linking it to your application’s users provider.

Step 7: Update the User Model

Add the HasApiTokens trait to your User model to manage API tokens. Open app/Models/User.php and update the class like this:

namespace App\Models;
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasApiTokens, Notifiable;
    // Other model code

The HasApiTokens trait integrates Passport functionality into your user model.

Step 8: Register Passport Routes

Passport provides routes for OAuth2 operations, such as token issuance and request authorization. Register these routes in app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php:

use Laravel\Passport\Passport;

public function boot()

This code registers the Passport routes, enabling OAuth2 authorization in your application.

3. Using Passport for API Authentication

Step 9: Create Personal Access Tokens

You can create personal access tokens for users using Passport’s createToken method. Here’s how:

use App\Models\User;
$user = User::find(1); // Replace with the user ID
$token = $user->createToken('Personal Access Token')->accessToken;

This code creates a personal access token for the user with ID 1. The token can be used for API requests.

Step 10: Protect Routes

To protect API routes and ensure only authenticated users can access them, use the auth:api middleware. Add it to your routes in routes/api.php:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
    return $request->user();

In this example, the /user route is protected by the auth:api middleware, allowing only users with a valid token to access it.

Step 11: Revoke Tokens

To revoke a user’s tokens, you can delete them from the database:

$user = User::find(1); // Replace with the user ID
$user->tokens->each(function ($token) {

This code finds the user and deletes all their tokens, logging them out of all sessions.

4. Testing Passport Authentication

Step 12: Test Token Authentication

After setting up Passport, test the authentication process using tools like Postman or Insomnia. Include the token in the Authorization header of your requests:

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Replace {token} with the actual token you received. This header allows you to access routes protected by Passport authentication.

Benefits of Using Laravel Passport

Laravel Passport brings a host of advantages to managing API authentication, making it an invaluable tool for securing your application. By implementing Passport, you can leverage a range of features designed to enhance both security and user experience. Here are some of the key benefits of using Laravel Passport:

  • Robust OAuth2 Implementation: Laravel Passport provides a thorough OAuth2 solution, ensuring secure and standardized access to your API, protecting sensitive data through well-established security practices.
  • Streamlined Token Management: Simplifies the process of issuing and managing various tokens, including personal access and password grant tokens, making authentication tasks more efficient.
  • Flexible OAuth2 Flows: Supports multiple OAuth2 flows such as Authorization Code, Implicit, and Client Credentials, allowing you to choose the best method for your specific authentication requirements.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates effortlessly with Laravel’s existing authentication system, ensuring that adding OAuth2 features is straightforward and doesn’t disrupt your current setup.
  • Built-In Scopes: Enables you to define and manage scopes, giving you granular control over what resources or actions users can access based on their roles and permissions.
  • Secure Token Storage: Employs encryption to protect tokens, safeguarding sensitive information and reinforcing the security of your authentication process.

Incorporating Laravel Passport into your application not only enhances security but also simplifies the management of API access, providing a robust and flexible solution for modern authentication needs.


Integrating Laravel Passport has set up a secure and efficient authentication system for your Laravel application. By following the steps provided, you’ve successfully implemented OAuth2 token management, enhancing the security of your API endpoints. Passport simplifies authentication, allowing you to handle access tokens effectively and ensuring only authorized users can interact with your API. With Passport in place, your application is better protected and ready for secure API interactions.

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