How to update and pay with a credit card at
Posted on October 23rd, 2015
To enable credit cards log into with your email address as the username. If you have lost your password please reset it at
Once logged in at the TOP of the page look for a link called Billing. Once updated go to update personal information.
At this interface you can select credit card or paypal as payment options. If credit card is selection, an additional option can be selected called “Automatically charge my credit card” to yes or no.
Once updated, if you have an open invoice please go to Billing -> View Balance. At this interface your options will be shown for payment method. Even if you have a credit card selected, the options for Paypal, or other non credit card payments, will still show. Select pay with credit card. A confirmation screen will confirm this, that will also allow you to place in your 3 or 4 digit CVV2 code. Note this information is not required, nor kept on file, but some cards may require the CVV2 for a credit card charge.
You may also refer the following video tutorial :
Hey, i am having trouble verifying my credit card . I have to input the amount I am purchasing and in the box provided, it allows for only two characters. the right amount is $2.5 but I can only input 2. How do I solve this?
You have the worst billing system. I cant pay with credit card either for my account
I cannot find your email ID in our billing system. Please contact our support via live chat or ticket system, so we can better assist you directly with any service you have ordered through us.
Error! CC Disabled! Payment type credit card is currently unavailable. Remove the credit card(s) you have on file and add them again. If you continue having issues please contact us.
I already added my creadict card and it’s verify, but when I try to pay it throws the error above. I have two days trying to pay and I can’t pay. I message for assitens and the assistent deleted my account so I can create a new account and I did, but a have the same error.
It’s enabled now
What type of credit cards do interserver accepts?
I have tried different credit cards but it keeps displaying error
I would like a feedback please
Credit Card with VISA / Master Card logo is accepted.
Feel free to contact our Live Chat support via
Our support team will be able to assist you with it.
Error! CC Disabled! Payment type credit card is currently unavailable. Remove the credit card(s) you have on file and add them again. If you continue having issues please contact us.
I can’t be with any of my credit cards or by my paypal
I’ve enabled CC. You can pay now
How to set up VPS automatic deduction in PayPal every month?
PayPal auto setup has to be setup from your PayPal dashboard.
What I would suggest is to add funds to your prepay balance, once invoice is generated it will be auto debited.
If you have got any questions please feel free to contact us.
During my verification, a total of $2.18 was deducted from my account. was this amount recharged to my account?
I wanted to inform you that the two small amounts charged to your card are for verification purposes. These are just temporary charges and will be voided within 24 to 48 hours. The amounts will never actually reach our account.
When you make a transaction, the bank temporarily debits a small amount from your account. This amount is never actually taken out—it’s just a hold. Once the verification is complete, these charges are voided, meaning the bank cancels them, and they disappear from your account. So, you’re not charged any money; it’s simply a process to confirm your card is good to go.