How to Install CloudLinux OS on CentOS Server with cPanel
Posted on March 4th, 2017
In this tutorial, we can check how to install CloudLinux OS on CentOS Server with cPanel.
CloudLinux was released to the market in 2010. Today, it is a must-have for any web host who cares about stability, security, and churn. It is used by more than 2,000 hosting companies on 20,000+ servers. It was specifically optimized for shared hosting as it isolates each customer into a separate “Lightweight Virtualized Environment” (LVE). Web hosts that use CloudLinux report higher uptime, significant improvements in density, decrease in number of reboots, and decrease in number of account suspension they have to perform. It has also produced a significant decrease in churn for a number of customers. The software is specially designed and built for cPanel servers.
Converting to CloudLinux
It is easy to switch server from CentOS 5.x, 6.x or 7.x to CloudLinux as it is interchangeable with CentOS. The CloudLinux OS installation process takes a few minutes and replaces a handful of RPMs. Before the conversion of your CentOS server to CloudLinux, you must have an activation key. The activation key can be either obtained by trial subscription or by purchasing subscription. Follow the steps below to receive a trial activation key.
1) Go to and register with CloudLinux Network.
2) You will receive an email with activation link.
3) Login at:
4) Click on Get Trial Activation Key.
You will get a key that looks like: 17514-d34463a172feio4f4e7b191a1841bcf2
You can also purchase CloudLinux license from your portal @ and you may refer the following video tutorial.
After obtaining CloudLinux activation key, download the script for CloudLinux installation and execute it. Please note that you must have root level access to your server to perform the steps below.
1) Connect to your server via SSH as root user.
2) Download the CloudLinux installation script: cldeploy. Enter the following command on your server shell or terminal.
$ wget
3) Execute the downloaded script by running the following command. The script will install CloudLinux kernel, Apache module, PAM module, command line tools as well as LVE Manager.
$ sh cldeploy -k <activation_key> # if you have activation key
$ sh cldeploy -i # if you have IP based license
4) Once the installation is complete, reboot the server by using the following command.
$ reboot
5) Verify the conversion to CloudLinux. Run the following command on your server to verify the conversion to CloudLinux and you may see a similar output.
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CloudLinux release 7.3
You server is now running CloudLinux Kernel with LVE enabled.
If you need any further help please reach our support department.
dear sir?madam !
kindly be kind enough and support me to show the path in regard to setup my trial activation key on my cpanel.
If you have an existing plan with us, please open a ticket with our support department: