Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on Hostname in cPanel/WHM Server

Posted on October 24th, 2018

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on Hostname in cPanel/WHM Server

The Let’s Encrypt allows you to install AutoSSL for the hostname. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Let’s Encrypt SSL to the hostname. Here are the steps to install the same on hostname.


Install Let’s Encrypt Auto SSL Provider.

Run the following command to install Let’s Encrypt provider.


Once you have installed Let’s Encrypt provider, change auto SSL provider to Let’s Encrypt from Comodo.

Login to WHM >> Manage AutoSSL.


Install Self-Signed Certificate to Hostname.

1) Login to WHM as a root user.

2) Go to “Service Configuration”.

Install Let’s Encrypt


3) Then select the following services and click on “Browse Certificate”.

Calendar, cPanel, WebDisk, Webmail, and WHM Services

Dovecot Mail Server

Exim (SMTP) Server

FTP Server

Install lets encrypt ssl


4) Select hostname and click on “Use Certificates”.

Install lets encrypt ssl


5) Then click on “Install”.

Install lets encrypt ssl


Replace Self Signed Certificates with Valid Let’s Encrypt Certificates.

Once you have installed the self-signed certificate, run the following command to check SSL certificates


The Self signed SSL certificates will be replaced with a valid Let’s Encrypt certificate while running above command.

Once it is completed, you can access WHM with the hostname https://hostname:2087


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.



6 Responses to “Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on Hostname in cPanel/WHM Server”

  1. Jenal says:


    Not working. Please check again

    • Kindly try /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider

      Please contact our support via live chat or ticket system, so we can better assist you directly with any service you have ordered through us.

  2. says:

    Letsencrypt plugin no longer generates SSL for hostname, there are currently 2 options: either use the SSL from cpanel (sectigo) or generate your own SSL and import it as shown in step 4. of this article.

  3. gigihentz says:

    Following your tutorial, it does not work at all. Still not able to access whm by hostname but only by IP (which obviously shows https error)

  4. Kirko_Quan says:

    Found some hacks, 🙂 and it did work for me. Create a wild card subdomain name that is *.hostname and run autossl.
    NB. Remember to delete the created wildcard after the SSL has been issued.

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