Install ProFTPD in Webmin

Posted on October 24th, 2018

Install ProFTPD in Webmin


Webmin is a web-based interface for administration for Unix using any web browsers, we can perform most of the function which we are performing from CLI. The latest available version of Webmin is 1.881



FTP stands for file transfer protocol, it is designed to allow client programs to read, write and delete files on a remote server, regardless of the operating system that the server is running. Essentially, it is a file sharing protocol.


Install ProFTPD

1) Login to Webmin Panel.

2) Click on the option “Webmin” on the right-hand side menu.

Install proftpd


3) Select the option “Webmin Configuration” under the “Webmin” section.

Install proftpd


4) Select the “Webmin Modules” option under the section “Webmin Configuration”.

Install proftpd


5) An installation menu will appear. Select the option “Standard modules from”.

Install proftpd


6) A screen will appear for selecting the modules, search and select the module ProFTPD.

Install proftpd


7) Click on the option “Install Module”.

Install proftpd


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.



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