Install Webuzo on Ubuntu
Posted on July 10th, 2020
In this tutorial, we can check how to Install Webuzo on Ubuntu.
Webuzo is a free, single-user control panel that helps to deploy web applications like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and more on your web server. It is a LAMP stack that offers help in the secure launch, maintains, and manages the applications. You can introduce such applications using Webuzo without any technical or system administrator skills. Webuzo is perfect for small and medium businesses and enterprises. Webuzo offers the secure and easy deployment of PHP, Python, Pearl, and Java scripts.
The built-in Softaculous auto-installer feature of Webuzo reduces the effort of manually installing any scripts on your server. Webuzo is a multi-functional panel and also works as a server management tool. Webuzo has a simplified interface with eloquent design to manage domains, email, FTP, cron job, database, and more.
- Freshly installed Ubuntu LTS.
- The wget, apt-get, and tar packages should be available on the server.
- 2 GB RAM.
- The ports 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 143, 443, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 3306 should be open.
- 10 GB Disk Space.
- The PHP, Apache, and MySQL should not be available on the server.
Install Webuzo
To install Webuzo on your Ubuntu server, follow the below steps:
1) Remove the Default Apache installation
Apache packages are pre-installed on Ubuntu. So we need to remove the default Apache installation before installing Webuzo. To remove Apache from Ubuntu, run the following steps.
Log in to the server as a root user using SSH.
Find all the Apache packages installed by running the following command.
# apt list --installed | grep apache2
To remove all the Apache packages, run the following command
# apt-get remove apache2
Run the following command to ensure that all the unneeded dependencies got removed.
# apt-get autoremove
This above command removes all the relevant Apache packages. But this command won’t remove the manually installed packages, and you need to remove those packages manually.
2) Install Webuzo
You can install Webuzo on Ubuntu by following the below steps.
Log in to the server as a root user using SSH.
# ssh root@ipaddress
Type the following command to download the installation script of Webuzo on your server.
# wget
After downloading the script, change the script file permission to make it executable by running the following command.
# chmod 700
Install Webuzo by running the following script.
# ./
After the installation, the script displays the Webuzo configuration URL. The significant syntax of the Softaculous Webuzo configuration URL is “http://<IP_address>:2002/2003, where the IP_address flag represents the server’s IP address.
End User Panel URL:
http://<IP_address>:2002/ or https://<IP_address>:2003/
Admin Panel URL:
https://<IP_address>:2005/ or https://<IP_address>:2004/
3) Setup Webuzo
To setup Webuzo on your Ubuntu server, follow the below steps.
- Browse the configuration URL “https://<IP_address>:2004 from any of the web browser to open the Webuzo Initial Setup page.
- Enter the username under the ‘User Name’ text box.
- Give the user’s email address under the ‘Email Address’ text box.
- Set the password by entering the password in both the Password and Re-enter Password text boxes.
- You should enter the server’s domain name or IP address under the ‘Primary Domain’ text box.
- If you have purchased the Webuzo license, enter the license key in the ‘License Key’ text box. If you are using the free version without the purchase, then leave the License Key text box empty.
- Next, click the Install button. The installation takes a few minutes, and during the installation process, you should not refresh or leave the page.
After the installation, the ‘Installation Completed successfully’ message appears on the page. Use the following link to access the Webuzo control panel.
Use the following link to access the Webuzo application installer.
4) User Settings
After the installation, you can change the user settings from the Webuzo control panel.
- Log in to the Webuzo control panel with the username and password created during the initial setup.
- Navigate to ‘Advanced settings.
- Select the ‘Edit Settings’ option under Advanced settings.
- In the ‘User Settings’ page, select the default language from the ‘Choose Language’ drop-down.
- To set the default time zone, select the details from the drop-down in the ‘Timezone’ text box.
- If you want to sort the domain details under the Choose Domain drop-down menu on the install form alphabetically, then check the box next to the ‘Sort domains alphabetically’ option.
- If you want to use the theme colors selected, check the box next to the ‘Customize theme’ option. To change the theme colors to the default one, then uncheck the box.
- The ‘WordPress Plugin/ Theme Sets’ option in the user settings page helps to install and create a set of themes and plugins.
- You can mention the backup location in the user settings page, and you can either choose the default location or can add other backup locations. You need to click the ‘Add Backup Location’ button on the user settings page to add a new backup location. This button gets redirected to a new page, and on that page, you need to fill some necessary details such as Location name, protocol, server host, port, FTP username and password, and Backup location path. Then, you can click the ‘Add Backup Location’ button.
- After adding the backup location, return to the settings, and click the ‘Edit Settings’ button to reflect the changes.
Please comment below for any questions or queries. If you are an InterServer customer, please reach out to our support team for further help.
Very helpful, thank you.
Welcome, please let us know if you have got any queries.
Hello, There is no initial configuration page after installation, it takes me directly to webuzo login page.
I recently installed Webuzo on Ubuntu Server, all the steps completed just fine. after installation when i opened webuzo through :2004, it gave error failed to connect to
After restarting the server, Webuzo opens to login page. there was no configuration/initial page.
how do i fix that?
You can configure after the initial login. Feel free to contact our Live Chat support or via email. Our support team will be able to assist you with it