How to Install and Configure Magento LiteMage Cache
Posted on November 19th, 2018
LiteMage cache is the world’s fastest full page cache for Magento. It provides an improved caching solution by improving the speed and quality of a site. It improves the speed of both static and dynamic content of a website. LiteMage cache is faster than Apache with Varnish, and even NGINX with Varnish and three times efficient than other caching solutions.
Features of LiteMage
1) Static and dynamic caching.
2) Low memory and CPU needs: The main disadvantage of varnish that it consumes more amount of RAM. But LiteMage uses very little and it gives better performance than varnish.
3) Anti-DDoS protection: LiteMage has built-in DDoS protection which protects the websites from common HTTP attacks.
4) Quick page loads: LiteMage helps your pages much faster because it retrieves multiple content block with a single request.
5) Magento Specific.
6) Supports multi-store, multi-currency, and multi-user groups.
7) Native SSL support: This is one of the major features of LiteMage because other Magento cache extensions do not support native SSL.
8) Built-in spider to update the cache.
9) Easy to set up.
10) Scalability: It can handle around 10000’s of connections without making any mistakes so it never lowers the website speed. No matter how many people are accessing the website.
Install and Configure LiteMage in Magento 2
1) Access your server via SSH.
2) Change the directory where Magento is installed.
# cd /home/username/public_html/magento
3) Set magento developer mode
# php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
4) Download LiteMage plugin files.
5) Extract the files.
# unzip
6) Create a directory for the LiteMage plugin files
# mkdir -p app/code/Litespeed/Litemage
7) Move the unpacked LiteMage plugin files to the new directory
# mv magento2-LiteSpeed_LiteMage-master/* app/code/Litespeed/Litemage/
8) Enable the LiteMage plugin
# php bin/magento module:enable Litespeed_Litemage
9) To make the plugin settings available to the Magento Admin panel, use command:
# php bin/magento setup:upgrade
10) To recompile Magento:
# php bin/magento setup:di:compile
11) Set Magento back to production mode,
# php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
12) Open .htaccess file under the domain document root and add the following code:
<IfModule Litespeed>
LiteMage on
Activating LiteMage on Magento 2
1) Login to Magento admin panel.
2) Click stores >> Configuration on the left sidebar.
3) Click on Advanced >> System.
4) Click Full page cache.
5) In the “Caching Application’ select “LiteMage Cache within LiteSpeed Server”.
6) Click save config.
7) Click System >> Cache management.
8) Select “Configuration” and “Page cache” checkboxes.
9) Select Refresh.
10) Click Submit.
If you need any further help please do reach our support department.
I have a magento2.3.5 website with eleven different domains
In the main website i have x-litespeed-cache: hit,litemage and the cache is working excellent
But in the other 11 multistore domains i have onlyx-litespeed-cache-control: esi=on and the cache do not work at all
Can you help me please?
Same problem. How configure Litemage for multi-store on Magento 2.3.5 ?
Thanks for your help ?
Please contact our support via live chat or ticket system [support[at]interserver[dot]net], so we can better assist you directly.