Mount Custom ISO on KVM VPS
Posted on July 26th, 2019
You may already know that we are providing a vast list of operating systems that you can choose from when creating your VPS. But do you know you can also upload custom ISO and create a VPS with the Image OS of your choice? In this tutorial, we will show you how you can do that.
You can purchase VPS with one slice to 16 slices where each slice has one core CPU, 2G RAM, 30G disk space, and 1TB transfer bandwidth and you will also get full root/administrator access to the VPS servers. You can configure these servers as per your requirements with total control. Our support staffs are also available 24×7 if you need any assistance with the VPS setup. For more information about our VPS server, please visit our website here:
We can fully manage your VPS with no additional charge if your VPS has 4 or more slices. Support is limited if your server has less than 4 slices. Please check out this article to know more about the managed support policies and guidelines.
Only the KVM VPS servers have the option to upload a custom ISO image. The other OpenVZ or Hyper-V VPS’s do not have this option. So if you want to upload and run your custom ISO image, make sure to choose a KVM VPS.
With InterServer, this is also something easy to do. Our fantastic team of developers already automated this and integrated it to the client portal. That means, with InterServer, you can upload any custom ISO and can install the OS within your customer control panel itself. No manual operations are needed!
Want to know how? Please keep reading, and it’s just super easy to do.
1) Login to your InterServer client area:
2) Once you are logged in, click on the “VPS” tab to list your active servers.
3) Click on the gear icon next to the VPS server to access the Management panel.
4) Once you are in the VPS management panel, click on the red shut down button from the top-left card next to “Power Status” to halt the server. It should take 2 minutes to complete the action. Then click on “Insert CD/DVD” button from the left sidebar under the “Maintenance” section.
5) Insert the ISO HTTPS URL on the field “CD or DVD ISO URL.” Select ‘Yes’ when you see ‘Are You Sure?’ question. Then click on the “Submit” button. The steps mentioned above will mount the ISO to the VPS and should take 2-5 minutes to complete the process.
6) Once the ISO mount is complete, start the VPS again by clicking the green “Boot Up” icon from the top-right box next to “Power Status.” Wait a few minutes for the system to boot up. Then connect to the server by clicking on the “Browser VNC Connection” button. There you can see the system console and do the installation like how you usually would install an OS.
7) Once you complete the installation, to stop the VPS from booting from CDROM, shut down the server, and then click on the “Eject CD/DVD” button.
So, this is how you can use custom ISO with on your Virtual Private Servers. We hope that this article helped you install your favorite ISO image without any manual intervention.
If you require any additional information or need any further help, please get in touch with our support team via [email protected].
I have a VPS with Centos (KVM). Inserted an iso image with Clonezilla and mounted the image. After booting up, there is no option to boot from the ISO image ( there are 5 options in the boot manager, but my ISO file is not on the list. I can boot from my default device only. The mounted iso image is not showing in the control panel either.
Thomas Torok
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