Openlitespeed Installation: Directadmin

Posted on May 9th, 2021

Openlitespeed is the open source webserver provided by LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise. It’s frequently used only for individual sites that don’t change often. This is because OpenLiteSpeed requires a restart to load any new .htaccess file. So if you often see ‘OpenLiteSpeed is functioning normally‘ error after creating new domain/subdomain etc, restarting the ‘Litespeed’ service via ‘Dashboard >> Show Services’ will solve the issue. In spite of above, you will get tons of following features:

  • Optimized commercial mod_security engine
  • Apache-compatible rewrite rules
  • High concurrent connection capacity and unlimited worker processes
  • Built-in page caching
  • WordPress Brute Force Attacks Protection and Anti-DDoS connection
  • Cache Plugin Support for CMS like WordPress, Joomla etc
  • Node JS, Python/Django, Ruby/Rails app server support


Now, we will discuss about the Openlitespeed Installation in Directadmin:

1. Login as ‘root’ (ssh root@ip_address) to server via Putty or Xshell and change current directory to ‘Custom Build’

# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

2. Then run update and change the webserver from apache to openlitespeed

# ./build update

# ./build set webserver openlitespeed

apache to openlitespeed

3. Now, we’ve to disable the ‘mod_ruid2’. Using mod_ruid2 with Litespeed can cause permissions-related issues

#./build set mod_ruid2 no

4. For Litespeed, php_mode must be set to lsphp. This should be done for all php mode

# ./build set php1_mode lsphp
# ./build set php2_mode lsphp
# ./build set php3_mode lsphp
# ./build set php4_mode lsphp

php_mode to lsphp

5. Now we can install/build the openlitespeed

# ./build openlitespeed

Once installation is done, you will get login details of the console. URL will be like https://ip_address:7080/login.php.You can now easily tweak the webserver settings.

Openlitespeed console

6. Recompiling the PHP to use LiteSpeed is the last and final step. This process will take bit time

# ./build php n
# ./build rewrite_confs

To verify everything went perfectly, you can see the Dashboard >> Show Services, where ‘Litespeed’ is showing ‘running’ (instead of httpd).


Feel free to contact our Live Chat support fromĀ if you’re having any issues. Our support team will be able to assist you with any service you have ordered through us.

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