RainLoop Webmail on cPanel

Posted on June 20th, 2018

RainLoop Webmail on cPanel

cPanel is the most used control panel in the World through which we can manage our websites and settings easily via a User-Friendly interface. The cPanel provides 3 Webmail interface by default to manage email accounts hosted on your server. Those are the SquirrelMail, Horde, and RoundCube. Each one has a unique user-friendly interface there and through which you can easily send/check emails delivered/received on your email accounts. Normally you can access this interface by going to http://yourdomain.com/webmail or via https://your_server_IP:2096.

RainLoop Webmail is a webmail client which can be managed very easily with a good-looking user interface and can be fully integrated to cPanel. This has a similar interface like Gmail. Following are the main features of this webmail client:

1) Modern user interface.

2) Complete support of IMAP and SMTP protocols including SSL and STARTTLS.

Minimalistic resources requirements.

3) Direct access to the mail server is used (mails are not stored locally on the web server).

4) Allows for adding multiple accounts to primary one, simultaneous access to different accounts in different browser tabs is supported. Additional identities.

5) Administrative panel for configuring main options.

6) Really simple installation and update.

7) Integration with Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Dropbox.

8) Managing folders list.

9) Simple look and feel customization.

10) Configurable multi-level caching system.

11) Extending functionality with plugins installed through the admin panel.

12) Perfect rendering of complex HTML mails.

13) Drag and drop for mails and attachments.

14) Keyboard shortcuts support.

15) Auto-completion of e-mail addresses.


Let’s see the RainLoop Webmail client installation steps on cPanel:

1) Login to your server via SSH as root user and then create ‘/usr/local/mail’ folder there.

# mkdir /usr/local/mail

2) Change the current working directory to the newly created one, and execute the following commands to run the installation of RainLoop Webmail client.

# cd /usr/local/mail

# curl -s http://repository.rainloop.net/installer.php | php

3) The next step is to add an Alias entry to Apache configuration, so this can be loaded in all websites hosted on the server. We have to add this function via WHM Home >> Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> Include Editor >> Pre Main Include -> All Versions, and add the following line.

Alias /mail /usr/local/mail

Once this has been added, rebuild the apache configuration and restart the service on your server.

Please note that do not make any changes on apache configuration directly on your cPanel server and if base_opendir enabled on the server, you might need to disable it or add the path to whitelist on apache vhost template.

Now the RainLoop webmail can be load at http://yourdomain.com/mail

To configure RainLoop webmail on cPanel server, please follow these instructions:

Enter Admin area by going to http://yourdomain.com/mail/?admin the default username and password will be admin and 12345. Please update the logins immediately once you have logged in there.

Branding tab: through this, we can brand the webmail to your company stuff

Contacts tab: to enable contacts, we can use MySQL if you have a large number of users.

Domains tab: here click on add domain and update the settings there to integrate this client.

Once done we can access the login page by going to http://yourdomain.com/mail.

Enter the correct email address and its password to login to your new webmail client.


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.



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