How to Set max_input _vars for Domain in cPanel

Posted on March 30th, 2017

PHP obtains input variables from cookies enabled on the page and from GET and POST requests. By default, PHP scripts are allowed to take only 1000 input variables. However, for many applications we need to increase this variable. This article provides the steps to increase the max_input _vars within cPanel. For this, please follow the below given steps.


1) Login to your cPanel interface.

2) Navigate to the ‘Software’ section.



3) Click on the icon ‘MultiPHP INI Editor’.



4) Select the location of php.ini you want to edit and click on the ‘Apply’ button.



5) Edit the value in the text box near to max_input vars. By default, it is 1000. You can increase the value and click on the ‘Apply’ button to update the changes.



You can also increase the value in .htaccess file in the domain document root by adding the code below to your .htaccess file.

$ vi .htaccess

php_value max_input_vars 5000

php_value suhosin.get.max_vars 5000

php_value 5000

php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 5000


If you need any further help please contact our support department.



2 Responses to “How to Set max_input _vars for Domain in cPanel”

  1. Arjun says:

    This works.

  2. Uzzal says:

    Its Working Bro. Thanks

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