How to Speed Up PrestaShop Store?

Posted on December 6th, 2018

In this tutorial, we can check how to speedup PrestaShop Store.

An open source platform where you can create your own online shop is what the PrestaShop. This platform is created using PHP and it is one of the most popular platforms for those who looking for an online shop of all sizes as it has a wide range of add-ons.

If you are already a user of the PrestaShop for your e-commerce website, in order to improve the performance of your shop you have as many tools available. Through this, I am looking to introduce some of the common and simple ways to speed up your PrestaShop.


Check the template engine Smarty is properly configured

All the implemented optimization options are conveniently stored in the Performance page of the PrestaShop 1.6 Back office. You can access the Performance page by the first login to the Back Office of PrestaShop then navigate to the Advanced Parameters >> Performance. Then go to the tab “SMARTY”. The value of “Force compile” is marked as false and Also the “Cache” is marked to true.

Enable CCC (Compress, Combine, Cache)
Through this option, you can condense all the CSS, JS and HTML into a single line of code and you can avoid the issue of any whitespace or unnecessary characters. And this can reduce your file size and the web page will load faster than previous loading time.

Simply click on the “Preferences” tab in your admin panel then click on the option “Performance” you can see the “CCC” (Combine, Compress and Cache) options there.

Enable everything except the option “High-risk HTML compression” there.

Setup a CDN
When you think about the website speed and minimum loading time you’re the site, this requirement should be valid globally as the clients will access the website from any part of the world. So that the use of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) is most efficient to reduce the loading time between the server and the client who accessing the website.

If you set up the CDN then the next step is to input the media service information into the PrestaShop. The CDN (Content Delivery Network) will cache your website’s static contents and serve globally all over the CDN have coverage. So the request of the clients who visit the website will be routed to the CDN’s nearest edge server as normally the request comes to the original server.

Use the Latest Version of PHP
As the PrestaShop itself created in PHP, the latest version of PHP should be used as it can cause for greater impact in the speed and performance. Upgrade or install the latest version of PHP is highly recommended. And the latest available version is PHP 7 which contribute good performance to the Shop compared to PHP 5.

Enabling either one of the following: Memcached, Xcache, APC or the default PrestaShop caching system
Since the Memcached is the memory caching system available for free and It is also very simple, powerful and easy to use for the Shop. It is very good at resolving problems such as large data caching. Since this caching is used by Wikipedia, Twitter or Craigslist!

There are alternatives for the Memcached, you can use the Xcache for the same purpose. Which is available in PrestaShop v1.5. Or you can use the PrestaShop default caching system which is available in the same menu and it does not require any server-side extension.

Optimize Your Database
To improve the scalability and get better performance, it is better to use the Percona or MariaDB rather than the standard MySQL for your Shop. Also, another method is, use a separate database for the MySQL in case if the website is having lots of traffic. Since after all, the size of the server is matters and not how it is set up.

And dig into the MySQL configuration and to check the query_cache value and This value should be at the very least “512M”

And database optimization is also an important thing to do occasionally. This can greatly influence to reduce the response time of the database and the load issue due to the database. You can use the PrestaShop Database Optimization module for that purpose it’s free of cost. Make sure that you are not removing order information or catalog data from the database even by accident.

Uninstall Any Unused Modules
Since the PrestaShop v1.7 comes with a hundred of modules with a wide range of features and many of the features you may don’t need. So make sure that you have only enabled the modules which are needed for your Shop and so the disabled modules won’t load and improves the performance of the site.

1)Install YSlow or Google Page Speed

2)Optimize your code with XDebug and KCacheGrind

Customer comfort and satisfaction is everything so if your store loads in swift those visiting the site loves it! And you may get more orders and thus more income. So you have to take care of such thingsWebsitete speed is an important thing, so occasionally check and verify that the website is swift loading always.

So with the help of PrestaShop, the most important use is to build a fast and reliable e-commerce website satisfying all your requirement.


If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.


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