How Can I Use PHP5 Instead of PHP4 on My Account?

Posted on October 23rd, 2015


Most servers now have both PHP4 and PHP5 available to them. To use PHP5 just call the page extension. php5. There were no other changes to be made. For more advanced users you can add a handler in your .htaccess file to control php5. To do this please follow the below given steps:

1) Login to your cPanel interface.

2) Navigate to Files >> File Manager.

php5 instead of php4


3) Go to the document root of the domain in which you want to use PHP5.

php5 instead of php4


4) Click on the Settings menu and make sure that Show Hidden Files (dot files) is checked, and click on the ‘Save’ button.

php5 instead of php4


5) Open your .htaccess file if you already have one. If not, click on the button ‘File+’ on the upper left corner of the page and name the file .htaccess and click the button ‘Create New File’. Please refer the following screenshot for creating a new .htaccess file.

php5 instead of php4


6) Select the .htaccess file, and click ‘Edit’.

php5 instead of php4


7) Paste the following code to your .htaccess file.

AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php


8) Finally, click Save Changes and Close.

use php5 instead of php4


If you find your server does not support PHP5 please contact support to have it added.


If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.


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